~::~ On The Edge ~::~

~::~ On The Edge ~::~


Teetering on the edge of sanity

O’er the cliff, I stand alone

Struggling to gather foothold

Shivering to the bone


Trying my best not to fall

Down the abyss of darkness

A promise to self, stares back at me

Of never going down, now truly messed.


Restraining droplets, that trickle down

Moistening my cheeks that swell

Reining my step’s o’er moss laden stone

That can plummet me down to hell


A mist swirls around me black

Confounding my vision obscure

Oh why dear Lord, you subject me to this

Poor heart of mine so pure!


I dunno if I shall fall head first

Or if someone’ll pull me back

Who’d hear my muted frantic calls

And bring me back on tracks

‘m still there, on the edge

As eons pass by in overflow

Waiting for my miracle

While gaping at abyss below


~::~ Blueess…!! ~::~

Was just trying my hand at some photography…

and trust me this Wallpaper perfect pic is taken from the bus enroute to Coorg in Nov 2008.

Not only are there different shades of Sky blue but the puffy clouds in the sky just add to the overall effect 😀

This is my pic for the Theme Thursday photography and its BLUE

I hope you guys liked this.. 😀

Thats it from Megzone for now..!!

Keep Smiling..!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios..!! :mrgreen: