~::~ [A-Z Challenge] ~ Xylophone

Day 24, X = Xylophone

Again, there are no poetic forms/types from X and so I have decided to write a lesser known form called Naisaiku and Ive chosen the word “Xylophone”

A NaiSaiKu is usually two Haiku length stanzas with a capitalised title sandwiched between them. The second stanza is usually a reverse of the first. Each stanza is usually seventeen syllables or less. Sometimes the title doubles as the third line of the first stanza and the first line of the second.

For more info on Naisaiku you could check this blog!

~::~ Xylophone ~::~


Making melodies

On bars of varying lengths

Struck by a mallet


Struck by a mallet

On bars of varying lengths

Making melodies


I hope you liked it, please leave your comments, feedback and brickbats.

Picture courtesy –  Google, keyword – Xylophone

for more Xylophone fun you could check out this Youtube Video!


~::~ [A-Z Challenge] ~ Paris ~::~

Day 16 A-Z Challenge, P = Paris (Cinquain)

~::~ Paris ~::~



It’s paradise

Heartbeat of romantics

A feeling blissful and divine




Cinquain – Cinquain is a short, usually unrhymed poem consisting of twenty-two syllables distributed as 2, 4, 6, 8, 2, in five lines. It was developed by the Imagist poet, Adelaide Crapsey. For more details on a Cinquain you could look up this site.

Photo Courtesy – Google, Keywords – Paris for lovers

~::~ [A-Z Challenge] ~ October ~::~

Day 15 A-Z Challenge, O = October (NaiSaiKu)

~::~ October ~::~

october snow 6 copy

The nights get chilly

With howling winds blowing cold

Blizzard underway

October is here

Blizzard underway

With howling winds blowing cold

The nights get chilly


NaiSaiKu – A NaiSaiKu is usually two Haiku length stanzas with a capitalised title sandwiched between them.The second stanza is usually a reverse of the first.  For more information on NaiSaiKu kindly check the following site.

Picture Courtesy – Google, Keywords = October

~::~ [A-Z Challenge] ~ ADIEU ~::~

Aaah finally the month of April is here and with it comes the A-Z challenge 😀

So here it is – A =  Adieu in the poetry form Acrostic*

~::~ Adieu ~::~

images (13)

A goodbye, my friend

Dearest and cherished

I bid you farewell and

Etched in memories you shall stay

Until we meet again!


* Acrostic poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title. For more examples and details kindly look up wikipedia

Picture courtesy – Google images (keyword Adieu)

~::~ Enticing Hues ~::~

~::~ Enticing Hues ~::~

rainbow nail polish sugarbuzz heidi brueggeman

Colours light

Colours bright

A different colour

I shall paint tonight


Pastels of cream

Shades in a dream

Oh how pretty they look

I admire and beam


A flower with a twirl

Polkas and a curl

Myriad designs

Lines and swirls


Glitters, matte shades

Pink aqua or Jade

Multi-coloured hues

With time they fade


Sometimes big sometimes small

Sometimes they’re thin & tall

In various shapes all bottled up

Craving another, my fingers enthralled



This is my submission to the PoetryJam prompt – Bottle

I am simply in love with Nail polish.. Every time I visit a Cosmetic store the first thing my eyes search any new dazzling shade or bottle shapes!! The colours just entice me, I’m plain blinded by the scent of fresh nail paint and I end up buying a couple of them! 😀 Yeah! Although I think otherwise, but my Bank Balance sure doesnt like them! 😉

Picture Courtesy  – Google

~::~ Nocturnal Voyage ~::~

~::~ Nocturnal Voyage ~::~

Fly away my dear

Towards blue skies clear

As stars whisper secrets sweet

Mellow dreams appeal

In pied shades of teal

Towards puffy clouds retreat        

Traversing afar

Wishing on a star

Skyward bound the solar way

Rosy Sun embarks

Sending fiery sparks

Ushering in a new day

Awaking from dreams

Of stars & moonbeams

Merrily the wind bellows

Kindling up all pores

Tiny eyes all sore

Sunrays streaming through windows



The Alouette

The Alouette, created by Jan Turner, consists of two or more stanzas of 6 lines each, with the following set rules:

 Meter: 5, 5, 7, 5, 5, 7

Rhyme Scheme: a, a, b, c, c, b


The form name is a French word meaning ‘skylark’ or larks that fly high, the association to the lark’s song being appropriate for the musical quality of this form. The word ‘alouette’ can also mean a children’s song (usually sung in a group), and although this poetry form is not necessarily for children’s poetry (but can be applied that way), it is reminiscent of that style of short lines.  Preference for the meter accent is on the third syllable of each line  

~::~ [Thursday Poets Rally] ~ Pre-Destined ~::~

I am back for Thursday Poets Rally..


Its been a long sabbatical away from all the prompts and poetry writing..

It had seemed my mind had completely blanked out from all writings and poetry..

Words seemed to have forgetten their way into my head and on my blogs..

But now I am trying to get back on track with writing and more poetry..

I hope you like my comeback and encourage me with your support 🙂


So Here’s this week’s entry to Thursday Poets Rally –


~::~ Pre-Destined ~::~

People we meet

Rarely stay

Excruciatingly difficult every


Everything in life

Stays for a while

Timeless memories

In our minds

Nothing can be altered as

Everything in our life is

Destined to happen



I hope you like it… Do leave your comments and let me know your thoughts on this..

 Picture Courtesy – Deviantart

~::~ Dream Boat ~::~

~::~ Dreamy Boat ~::~


On dark foggy night

Sailing surreal boat

Twinkly stars, Moon bright

In dreams I’m afloat


Sailing surreal boat

O’er moors hills vales

Envious birds, I gloat

Leaving wispy trails


Twinkly stars, moon bright

Gliding past valleys, seas

Panoramic sights

Magical carpet flees


In dreams I’m afloat

Light feathery gait

A pink horizon coat

Lovely dawn awaits




Created by C. G. V. Lewis, the Quadrilew is a form of quatrain poem with an abab rhyming scheme,

repeating lines, and contains an alternating syllable structure. In the first verse, the poet may either start with a five or six syllable line.  If the choice is five then the ‘sounding’ syllable count is (and opposite if the count is six):


Line 1, 5 syllables.

Line 2, 6 syllables.

Line 3, 5 syllables.

Line 4, 6 syllables.


Line 1, (which is a REPEAT of line 2 of the FIRST verse) has 6 syllables.

Line 2 new line of 5 syllables

Line 3 new line of 6 syllables

Line 4 new line of 5 syllables.


Line 1, (which is a REPEAT of line 3 of the first verse) has 5 syllables.

Line 2 new line of 6 syllables.

Line 3 new line of 5 syllables.

Line 4 new line of 6 syllables.


Line 1, (which is a REPEAT of line 4 of the first verse) has 6 syllables.

Line 2 new line of 5 syllables.

Line 3 new line of 6 syllables.

Line 4 new line of 5 syllables.

 If  the first line of verse one has 6 syllables then the pattern is

Verse 1, 6565,

Verse 2, 5656,

Verse 3, 6565,

Verse 4 5656:  (the rhyme pattern still being abab.)