Thursday Poets Rally ~::~ Footboard Traveller ~::~

Yaaayyy… Jingle’s back with the rally πŸ™‚ and I am super excited about it as usual πŸ˜€

if you are serious about poetry and wouldnt mind dedicating a day to poetry and meet more poets and read lots of varied poetry and bask in their creativity Jingle’s Rally is where you should be πŸ™‚

For more info check out

And sweet that Jingle is she takes in anyone and everyone…

This time i am super-excited cos i am trying my hand at something different.. no this is not a new form of poetry but rather a complete different genre that i am trying…

so i hope you guys like it πŸ™‚

Here it goes πŸ˜€


~::~ Footboard traveller ~::~

People think I am a freak

Wondering what chaos I shall wreak

Seeing me they want to gag

Just cos I am dressed in rag

Shamelessly begging for alms

Cupping my blistered palms

Destitute, I have no home

Throughout the day I roam

Western, central and harbor line

But when I board people whine

I sit there staring at passing sights

Sunset, sunrise and dim street lights

Mountains, bridges, concrete jungles

Pass by, as a prayer my lip burbles

Alone I look for a place to rest and sleep

Full with crowds and fests, slowly my feet creep

Full of suspicion, characteristic dereliction

Life has been nothing but a malediction

Tirade and anger seething in every heart

Almighty resides in the fancy trinket mart

Going gets tough but seldom do I look askance

Survival is my goal, paltry is my chance

Don’t know where I started

My life seems thwarted

Don’t know where this would end

Striving for a livelihood, I defend

No I am not a propitious reveler

Rather just a footboard traveler


I hope you liked my experimentation.. Do let me know your thoughts…!!

Thats it from Megzone for now..

Keep Smiling…!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios..!!! :mrgreen:

Thursday Poets Rally ~ SUICIDE

This week as usual I am posting the poem one full day in advance…. πŸ˜€

Why simply cos I feel so… πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜†

Every Thursday Jingle hosts a Poets Rally at her blog

You too can participate if you are an avid poet and would like to pitch in.. All you need to do is let Jingle know at the following thread

the following is my humble offering to this week’s poets rally….. πŸ˜€

So here we go..


Princess our darling Raji is known for her awes-inspiring jaw-hanging nerve-wrecking art at shape poetry..

Raji is a very dear friend and fellow blogger… She inspires me with her poetry and encourages and motivates me to continouosly re-invent my style and my poetry… Hence in many ways I call her my teacher/guru/mentor…

But today.. she has compelled me to commit suicide… her latest offering of Shape Poetry rendered me and my mind useless…… 😦

So if at all you guys Β find my body.. do blame it on RAJI…. πŸ˜€


oh well I tried to create a noose.. I wonder if it looks like one… 😦

I hope you guys doΒ realizeΒ now why I am committing suicide..

I cant ever match her shaping skills… πŸ˜₯

Sigh..!!! I am DEAD… 😦

Now i think we need to start a DEAD POETS RALLY also 😈

there are some awards that i need to accept and award which will take a complete dedicated post tomorrow..

thats it from megzone for now πŸ™‚

Keep Smiling..!!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios..!! :mrgreen:

Thursday Poets Rally~ Awards ~ And Some Memories…!!

Okiesss….. this week again I choose to write the Thursday Poets Rally a whole day in advance… πŸ™‚

wondering why.. simply cos I feel like πŸ˜€

okies but first I need to start with the most wonderful awards that I have been bestowed upon..

so here we go..

roll-out red carpet…
start music…!!!


First and foremost the Perfect Poet Award by sweetest Jingle

this is my 3rd perfect poet award and boy oh boy!! glad am I you bet..

every award endearing than the previous one..

yaaayyy….!!!!! and this one has been so beautifully designed by Ji that i simply love it..

thanks Ji thank you sooooo much πŸ˜€ Β [the poem for acceptance at the end of the post πŸ˜€ ]

I would like to nominate Kseverny for his superb poem last week πŸ˜€

The other set of awards that my lovely friends have honoured me with are as follows πŸ™‚


Pat Surprises Roses award by sweet Ji again πŸ˜€

thank you sooo much Ji…. you are the best πŸ˜€


As a part of the participation for Thursday Poets Rally Week 10 Jingle asked us to pick one award..

and i would like to Pick up the Spring Trust Award..

Thursday Poets’ Rally Participants of Week 10 (An Award for YOU)

Thanks Ji.. and this one I’m gonna enjoy myself.. this one’s just for meeeeeeeeeeee πŸ˜€


the Princess of shapes and poetry presented me with the Friends Forever award..

thank you sooo much princess..

Raji is one prolific writer who creates shape poetry like the back of her hand… do visit Raji im sure u wud end up being a regular at her blog πŸ˜€


my dear friend and blogger Abder of Wordwand fame

presented me with a sweet and cute Poetry day award..

Abder is a very regular commentor on my blog and he always has sweet words for me..

sorry for the late acceptance dear… 😦

and you should read his poetry too.. his poems are simply marvelous πŸ˜€


and just yesterday I was given theΒ Cerebral Heart inspiration award by dearest Adam.. thank you sooo much dear

Adam’s poetries and posts leave me awestruck with his creativity..

do visit Adam πŸ˜€


phew…!! that was some awards ceremony…

carpets rolled…tucked in… lights off..

and now the poem for this week πŸ˜€

This week for the Rally i have come up with a different form of poetry….


The Mini-monoverse is a poetry form originated byΒ Emily Romano.Β  Each Mini-monoverse is

made up of two stanzas of five three-syllable lines.Β  They rhyme scheme isΒ a/a/a/a/a for the first

stanza andΒ b/b/b/b/b for the second stanza.Β  For a double Mini-monoverse just add two more

stanzas.Β  They rhyme scheme for the third stanza should beΒ  c/c/c/c/c and for the fourth stanza,

d/d/d/d/d.Β  It is desirable that the Mini-monoverse tell a story, but this is not a hard and fast rule.


Cold Swimming pool

Lo Behold.!!

Icy cold

Jumped inΒ and rolled

Advanced uncontrolled

Agony untold

Stupid act

Very Bad impact

Inability to react

Matter of fact..

Forgot to retract


This is my entry to this week’s Thursday Poetry Rally… a full day in advance.. πŸ˜‰

I hope you dont mind Ji…. πŸ˜€

Thats it from Megzone for now…!!

Keep Smiling..!!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging…!!!

Cheerios…!!! :mrgreen:

Poetic Resonance..!!

Poetic Resonance


The higher I go

The farther I see

I see sumthin glitter

And my heart says β€œgee!!”

I try to reach it

With my hands out stretched

The more I get closer

It’s seemingly far fetched

Suddenly its approaching

β€œI’m nearing” I exclaim

I see it shining bright

Its mine afterall I proclaim

With a surge of new optimism

And determination I proceed ahead

I see a smoky phase advancing

Oh so carefully I tread

The smoke encapsulates me

Making me shiver to bones

A fuzzy feeling grows over

And my head groans..


Thank you Jingle for the Week-8 Perfect Poet award.. and thank you Severny for voting me πŸ™‚

My vote for goes to WordWand


Also thanks to Trisha for presenting me the Best Blog award…

Since I have already passed it on previously.. this one I shall keep it to myself… πŸ™‚

Thank you Trisha…!!


Also my darling friend Arpit presented me with a Thank You Award..

And this one I would like to pass it on to all those who have tolerated my insanity so far.. :mrgeen:






















Congratulations to you all..

To pass it or not is at your own wish… πŸ™‚

No rules on this one πŸ™‚

Keep Smiling..!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios..!! :mrgreen:

Awarding Times..!!

The rules are :
The month of March has set in… Bringing with it the summer, the grime and the lazy times..

Monsoon aint arriving till June.. But on Blogs its raining awards…

They are all pouring in from all friends and fellow-bloggers… πŸ˜€

And firstly thank you all for the lovely awards…

So lets roll out the Red Carpet and honour the awards recieved πŸ˜€

First on the Red Carpet has to be Jingle πŸ˜€

Jingle with her lovely Thursday Rallys has really motivated me and presented me with such lovely awards..

Gal you are the best…. πŸ˜€

Jingle has presented me with theΒ Forever Friends Award…

Thank you so much Jingle..

Also my dear friend Abder of WordWand fame presented me with the Forever Friends Award… Thank you sooo much dear friend… I cherish our friendship tooo…

Rules: Pass it toΒ any number (1-?) ofΒ blogger friendsΒ U would like to keep in touch for good.


Abder Also presented me with the Best Blog Award…which was presented to him by the lovels Shakira πŸ˜€

Soooweeeeee… that I’m Late πŸ˜₯

Thank you Abder for the lovely award…

The rules are :
1. Acknowledge the person who gave it to you and link back.

2. Give it to 15 bloggers who YOU LOVE VISITING!

So I shall combine both these awards and present the same to the following lovely bloggers who would I would not only like to be in touch with but also love visiting..

Jingle – for just being the best that she is πŸ˜€

Raji – she has to be mentioned for being the sweetest teacher i have ever had.. never a word here or there.. always motivating me πŸ™‚ This ones for you gal-pal πŸ˜€

Sree – Β for being the all-tolerating bakwaas friend that he has been.. For being my partner in crime… for all our insanity dude.. ur cherished πŸ˜€

Himanshu – for bein my jugalbandhi partner and letting me be in touch with myself.. for enhancing my poetic skills and just being there for me…Here’s to you sweetestestest friend πŸ™‚

Dishid – Β for bein the regular commentor and awesome friend that he has been πŸ˜€

Hitesh – For always being there when im wondering what to do πŸ™‚

Dr.Jekyll – for being the Good Doctor…

Abder – Β for being my regular reader and commentor.. and ofcourse for the lovely words that he always has for me… since my first rally he has been a regular on my blog.. Thanks a ton dear πŸ™‚

Brian – for givin me honest comments and suggestions.. thanks Brian

Severny – I do follow his blog only im way to lazy to leave a comment.. and thanks a ton for the vote buddy πŸ™‚

Shakira – for being such a beautiful poet πŸ™‚

Sandy – for always having me awestruck with her poems.. lady you have a super command on both the language.. I’m always so in awe of you πŸ™‚

FiveLoaf – for being the superb poet that you always are πŸ™‚

Moondai – For being a sweet poet that you are.. and partially cos I love your blog title… I have a fetish for the moon πŸ˜€

Noha – Β I haven forgotten you my friend… I simply love your poems πŸ™‚


Next are the Homecoming Week awards that I have recieved this week..

I have already mentioned them in the thursday rally post.. but here i mention them again Β πŸ™‚

The Promising Poet Award from Raji and Noha…Even Adam awarded me this Award

Thanks a ton Ladies And Gentleman :D… the honour is all mine πŸ˜€

The I Just Love Your Blog Award from DatsMe..

Loong time you havent visited friend.. Thank you very much πŸ™‚


The Jannie Funster Lucky Lupine Award from MafiaShark..

That was mighty sweet of you dear… Thank you very very much :D


And thus endeth the ceremony.. Lets close the curtains and roll up the Red Carpet…. πŸ™‚

We shall be here another time…….. πŸ™‚

Keep Smiling..!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios…!!! :mrgreen:

Stars Shine Bright..!!!

Jingle being the sweetest that she is… has honored me with yet another award..

This time its the Star Award..!!!

Jingle you’re truly simple absolutely the Best..!!! πŸ™‚

And here’s yet another feather in my cap…!!!

Stars Light..

Stars White..

You’re the Star..

That shines bright…!!

Rules of Accepting the Award: Pass the love to those in your blog roll.

So here are my blog-rolled friends whom I pass on the love and present the Award πŸ˜€

#1 Sreeram

#2 Nancy

#3 FiveLoaf

#4 Hitesh

#5 Arah

#6 DatsMe

#7 Arun Ramkumar

#8 Himanshu

#9 Dishit

#10 Pallav

# 11 Raji

#12 Priya

Congratulations friends πŸ˜€

And please do pass it on and spread the love to all those in your blogrolls πŸ˜€

Twinkle On…!!! πŸ˜€

Keep Smiling..!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios…!! :mrgreen:

From Sunshine to Spotlights..!!!

Just a couple of days back…Sweetest Jingle had honoured me with a Sunshine Award….

And.. looks like the stars are shining on me now… cos now I have been awarded the Spotlight Award by another Sweetheart Noha πŸ™‚

Thank you sooooo much Noha for the award…. That was mighty sweet of you πŸ™‚

So here’s my Spotlight Award..!!

ThankΒ UΒ so much for the lovely award, Noha. I am honored, πŸ™‚

Rules, simple pass it to three (3) cute or beautiful blogger and let them know by commenting.

so here are my nominations for the Spot light award…!!

#1 Dr.J3kyll

#2 Ray Sharp and finally to Β a brand new poet i believe

#3 Karanvir

So there congratulations all πŸ˜€

Thank you so much Jingle and Noha…!!!

You Rock..!!!