~::~ Trampoline ~::~

I have missed and i surely dont like it 😦

but here i am in time for the T post for Leo’s Z- A in 26 days


and this time its a shape poetry which i hope you all enjoy and like it too..

Thats it from Megzone for now..

Keep Smiling,..!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios..!! :mrgreen:

~::~ Kites ~::~

Its the middle of the week.. and no I’m not here to rant about any mid-week crisis 😀

Nopes.. Nor am I here to talk abt Hrithik super-duper flop movie Kites 😛

But rather, i am here with a shape poem for ABC -Wednesday 😀


yes indeed.. after a long time I have done a shape poem yet again 🙂

and I hope you guys like it…

This week on ABC-W is K = Kites :mrgreen:

errr… i hope it does look like a kite 🙄

I hope you guys liked it…

Do lemme know your thoughts…

Thats it from Megzone for now..

Keep Smiling..!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!!

Cheerios..!!! :mrgreen:

Thursday Poets Rally ~ SUICIDE

This week as usual I am posting the poem one full day in advance…. 😀

Why simply cos I feel so… 😉 😀 😆

Every Thursday Jingle hosts a Poets Rally at her blog

You too can participate if you are an avid poet and would like to pitch in.. All you need to do is let Jingle know at the following thread


the following is my humble offering to this week’s poets rally….. 😀

So here we go..


Princess our darling Raji is known for her awes-inspiring jaw-hanging nerve-wrecking art at shape poetry..

Raji is a very dear friend and fellow blogger… She inspires me with her poetry and encourages and motivates me to continouosly re-invent my style and my poetry… Hence in many ways I call her my teacher/guru/mentor…

But today.. she has compelled me to commit suicide… her latest offering of Shape Poetry rendered me and my mind useless…… 😦

So if at all you guys  find my body.. do blame it on RAJI…. 😀


oh well I tried to create a noose.. I wonder if it looks like one… 😦

I hope you guys do realize now why I am committing suicide..

I cant ever match her shaping skills… 😥

Sigh..!!! I am DEAD… 😦

Now i think we need to start a DEAD POETS RALLY also 😈

there are some awards that i need to accept and award which will take a complete dedicated post tomorrow..

thats it from megzone for now 🙂

Keep Smiling..!!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios..!! :mrgreen:

An Ode to Womanhood…!!

She’s your friend philosopher guide.. She’s Best friend, Your Lover, Your wife…

She’s you Maa, sister, Daughter…. Without her you are incomplete…. And she too yearns for your attention in all these phases of her life… So here’s my ode to Womanhood… Proud to be born a Girl…Lady… Woman…

Happy Woman’s Day to all those lovely ladies out there… Don’t ever let anything pull you down.. Cos you are all…each one of you Special in your own way…!!

Keep Smiling..!! Keep Rocking..!! Keep Blogging..!!

Cheerios….!! :mrgreen: